
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

Millets, with their low glycaemic index and high fibre, are excellent for blood sugar control and overall health. They help regulate glucose levels and support digestion and heart health. In contrast, rice, particularly white rice, has a high glycaemic index, which can cause blood sugar spikes. While rice can be consumed in moderation, pairing it […]

Protein powders support healthy muscle building when added to shakes, bars, and meal replacements. Whey, casein, and plant-based proteins like soy and

The Brassicaceae family includes cauliflower and broccoli, each of which has advantages. Broccoli has higher levels of calcium, sulphoraphane, quercetin, and vitamins

To create a balanced diet, it is essential to understand and use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats effectively. Each macronutrient plays a crucial

Oil-free cooking has gained popularity due to its potential heart-healthy benefits. While fats are essential for bodily functions like hormone production and

MSG is a flavour enhancer commonly used in foods. While generally considered safe, some individuals may experience adverse reactions. Research on its

Eating healthy is important, even when you are busy. Here are some tips:

Cholesterol is a lipid found in the bloodstream that can affect heart health. While the body produces it, dietary factors also play

Brown bread and white bread are both common types of bread, but they differ in their nutritional content and ingredients. While brown

Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, offers various health benefits due to its high content of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It